New Members

Please welcome to the new members!

Lauren Auton

Lauren Auton joined Caldwell CC&TI’s Office of Accountability and Strategic Initiatives as the Compliance Specialist on July 13, 2020. After spending much time in Admissions at UNC-Wilmington, she moved “back home” to Morganton and worked for a short time in the Planning and Development Services Department for the City of Marion. She earned her Master of Arts and Bachelor of Arts at UNC-W.

Dr. Jamie Freeman

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Jamie Freeman is closing in on year 15 of public service experience. Her natural progression through higher education has been in the enrollment division, and her last appointment was serving as Director of Admissions for a regional public university in South Carolina.  While the world of enrollment management is certainly a passion of hers, she is excited to be home in Robeson County, and embracing all facets of planning and research.  She is a graduate of UNC Pembroke (MBA) and Francis Marion University (M.Ed).

Dr. Dean Roughton

Dr. Dean Roughton has been appointed to the role of Vice President of Institutional Research, Planning, Effectiveness, and Technology at College of The Albemarle (COA). Dean has worked in the NCCCS since 2002 and has been at COA since 2006 where he began as an English Instructor before being promoted successively to Department Chair, Division Chair, Academic Dean, and SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison. Dean earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill,  a Master of Arts in English from North Carolina State University, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Community College Leadership from Old Dominion University.